Historic Route 20 is an adventure across America’s Longest Highway

Exploring the Charm of Historic Route 20

The Historic Route 20 Association, established in 2012, aims to revitalize travel on the original 1926 alignments of US Route 20, stretching from Boston, MA, to Newport, OR. This organization collaborates with small communities, cities, mom-and-pop businesses, and historical sites to foster tourism and economic growth.

One of the Association’s primary missions is to secure designations along the original route in each state, adhering to local and state regulations. These designations help preserve the historical significance and promote awareness of Route 20’s rich heritage.

Education plays a vital role in the Association’s efforts. Historic Route 20 offers educational programs tailored for communities, organizations, school groups, and senior organizations. These programs include presentations and schedules designed to inform and inspire.

Economic development is another cornerstone of the Association’s work. Collaborating with various economic development offices, the Association provides essential tools and resources to communities along the route, aiding in their growth and sustainability.

Tourism is at the heart of Historic Route 20’s mission. Travelers are encouraged to visit and experience the unique charm and history along this historic highway. The main office, located in Chester, MA, serves as a hub for visitors looking to explore Historic Route 20.

For more information on designations, educational programs, economic development initiatives, and tourism opportunities, visit Historic Route 20 and discover the timeless allure of America’s longest highway.